
You're Safe Alone When You're Safe Together

Instantly notify your loved ones in any situation, ensuring you're never alone.

Various screenshots from the SafeAlone app.

Emergency Alert System

Stay Safe in Any Situation

Instantly notify your emergency contacts in potentially hazardous situations with a simple tap. Ensure your safety during meetings with strangers, health crises, or any unexpected events.

Screenshots showcasing the alert system.

Real-Time Location Sharing

Share When It Matters Most

Your location is shared in real-time with your emergency contacts during alert mode, providing them with your exact whereabouts when you need assistance.

Screenshots showcasing the Real-Time Location Sharing feature.

Dual PIN System

Enhanced Coercion Protection

Safeguard against coercion with a standard PIN for safety confirmation and an emergency PIN that discreetly signals distress while appearing to deactivate the alert.

Screenshots showcasing the Dual PIN System feature.

Seamless Contact Integration

Connect with Ease

Effortlessly search and add contacts from your phone, and invite them to join SafeAlone with just a few taps. Building your safety network has never been simpler or more intuitive, ensuring you and your loved ones are always connected for peace of mind.

Screenshots showcasing the Seamless Contact Integration feature.

Comprehensive Alert History

Stay Informed on Friends' Safety

Gain access to a detailed history of your friends' alerts within SafeAlone. This feature allows you to understand the context and sequence of events, ensuring you're well-informed about their safety situations and can provide support when it's most needed.

Screenshots showcasing the Comprehensive Alert History feature.

Customizable Safety Timer

Timed Check-Ins for Peace of Mind

Set a custom timer for regular safety check-ins. Failure to respond triggers an alert to your contacts, informing them to check on you.

Screenshots showcasing the Customizable Safety Timer feature.

And More...

Reliable Notifications
Alerts continue and are sent to your contacts even if the app is closed, ensuring they are informed of your situation as long as your session is active.
Stay Connected on Any Device
Access SafeAlone's features seamlessly across both Android and iOS devices, ensuring you and your contacts stay connected regardless of your smartphone choice.
Your Location, Your Control
Your location is only visible to friends during emergencies, ensuring your privacy is maintained during everyday use.
Last Known Location Access
In the extreme event that your phone is destroyed, your contacts can still access your last known location, providing a crucial starting point for assistance.

Pricing - It's Free

Your safety is priceless, and so is SafeAlone. We believe everyone deserves to feel secure and connected, which is why our app is available at no cost. No hidden fees, no subscriptions – just peace of mind, free of charge. Download SafeAlone today on both Android and iOS platforms and join our community committed to safety and care. Start protecting yourself and your loved ones without spending a penny. Because when it comes to your well-being, we believe there should be no barriers.

Download Now for Free

In a world where uncertainty looms around every corner, SafeAlone stands as your vigilant protector, ensuring your peace of mind and security. Available on both Android and iOS, this app is your reliable partner in times of need, offering a seamless and user-friendly experience across all your devices.

Contact Us

Get in Touch with SafeAlone

We're here to help and answer any question you might have. Whether you're seeking support, interested in sharing your feedback, or simply have a query about SafeAlone, we'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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